UXDEN Sunsetting UXDEN / UX.dk Quit while you're ahead! someone once said - well it's been a while since this…NorstedJanuary 26, 2023
Brainsnacks How LEGO Use Design Sprints How do LEGO's Design department innovate? How do they use the Design Sprint at scale?…NorstedJuly 30, 2019
Brainsnacks Design Sprint: solve big problems and test new ideas. The Design Sprint is a methodology developed by Google Ventures, based on generating ideas and…NorstedOctober 25, 2018
Brainsnacks Flat Design Decreases User Efficiency Clickable UI elements with absent or weak visual signifiers condition users over time to click…NorstedOctober 22, 2018
Brainsnacks 99% Invisible: Looking Closely at Broken, Ugly, and Exclusionary Design 99% Invisible is a radio show and podcast about all the thought that goes into…NorstedOctober 22, 2018
The jury has spoken: performance, conversion, and brand engagement are inextricably connected — but is speed as simple as the shortest distance from point A to B? https://medium.com/mobify-design-team/designing-for-the-appearance-of-speed-aaabc7f568c2
Brainsnacks Good Design is a Myth There is no good recipe for great design. Environments, technology, and sometimes even users are…NorstedMarch 31, 2017
Brainsnacks Empowering User Trust in the Sharing Economy With the growing sharing economy and the rapid development of new technology the notion of…NorstedMarch 30, 2017
Brainsnacks Microinteractions: Design with Details The difference between a good product and a great one are its details: the microinteractions…NorstedMarch 30, 2017
Brainsnacks How to Apply Product Thinking to UX Design The core of product design is solving problems. Often, stakeholders and designers talk about features and…NorstedMarch 30, 2017
Brainsnacks UX in an Agile Process Originally, the field of usability and interaction design was slow, cumbersome and costly. These were…NorstedMarch 3, 2017
Brainsnacks It’s a Great Time To Be A UX Designer There’s never been a better time to be a designer. After years of wishing we’d…NorstedMarch 2, 2017
Brainsnacks Mike Monteiro – Keynote Its not secret that i love Mike Monteiro's talks - and this keynote from interaction15…NorstedMarch 1, 2017
Brainsnacks How to make choosing easier We all want customized experiences and products -- but when faced with 700 options, consumers…NorstedMarch 1, 2017
Brainsnacks The Mechanics of Magic The web world thinks of game design as the next silver bullet, and companies are…NorstedFebruary 20, 2017
Brainsnacks This is the golden age of design…and we’re screwed Everywhere I look companies are hiring designers! Two hundred over here! A thousand over here!…NorstedFebruary 7, 2017
Brainsnacks Learning to speak Designer – Google I/O 2016 Spend any time working with designers and you'll be exposed to their specialized vocabulary: keylines,…NorstedJanuary 11, 2017
Brainsnacks The first secret of great design As human beings, we get used to "the way things are" really fast. But for…NorstedJanuary 11, 2017
Brainsnacks Touch er det nye sort – men hvordan påvirker touch brugeroplevelsen Det er næppe nogen hemmelighed at brugen af mobil devices er steget eksplosivt de seneste…NorstedJanuary 10, 2017
Brainsnacks Build Better Products with Emotional Data Data isn’t for trophies! It’s not just for beautiful visualizations, for proving your point, or…NorstedJanuary 6, 2017
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